martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011

Find more love in your life

After the riots in the Middle East to observe and seeing the anger of Muslims about a cartoon of Muhammed, asked me to write this article.

Given all that hate expressed about this cartoon also reminded me that hatred is never the way to real peace and happiness.

Since religion is supposed to make us better people, I have to questions from the Islamic world, how can all those hate make me a better person?

As a Christian is the linch pin of my faith the idea of love. I am not talking about the kind of love that you see in the movies. This is lust.

I am talking about the kind of love that is changing the world and makes it a better place to live. The kind of love that heals, that makes us want to be better humans. The kind of love that would be the good Samaritan to stop on the side of the road and help a man he knew not simply because the man was in distress.

The Bible teaches us that God is love (1 John 4: 118). Jesus said that the greatest commandments were to love God and our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12: 28-31). This means that a crucial part of loving others, loving includes us so we can love others.

However, he never explained what true love was in this passage. What is the real love?

1 Corinthians 13 gives us an explanation. In verses four through eight, explain what real love is: patient and kind, without envy, arrogance or rudeness, and seeks the truth.

These values are old old-fashioned. We live in a society where people hurt and then claim that they made a mistake. That they should not suffer the consequences because what they did was a joke, they were not in their right minds, or another horde of excuses.

We live in a world where a cartoon more anger, and a deeper call for Justice, on the death of millions of religious fervor.

Still, what, as Christians, we can do? So why is it so difficult for us to keep? Why should we love our enemies? Why do we need to love people who are the core of their existence, can evil?

The absence of the possibility of love comes from hurt. Of sticking to our pain and our pain. For carrying around the burden of our sins. There are many other reasons, but these are the most obvious and basic.

The path to learning to keep others from learning to be whole. To heal. To find freedom from our sins. To let go of the pain, grudges and pain of the past. By letting go of these things, we are free. This is the kind of freedom, Jesus offered us a kind of freedom that is not available in any other religion.

Although other religions are bound by rulese, it is Christianity really don't. The perennial concept of Christianity is grace. Grace is an unearned gift, the love and grace of God. If he can love us even when we did not deserve to be loved, how can we not love others?

I think the only free people can truly love. Although there are many reasons that I chose for a Christian, was one of the main reasons that Christianity offered a freedom and peace, that no other religion offered. With that freedom and peace comes a price though: it brings us into conflict with the world and the values of the world.

Another reason that it is difficult for us to love others we don't love is that the sacrifice required. Sacrifice is a strange concept in our society today because it implies that the needs of others ahead of our own. It means that pay a high price because we have our own ego are not satisfactory.

We also required us to give our preconceived notions and judgments of others. It requires that we care for those who may have unjustly penalised us for their own selfish motives. What we often do not understand is that loving others not about who they are; It's about who we are.

I think that love is the strongest force in the universe. I think love has the power to the world in which we live. Love is the solution to the problems of the world.

Love is what gives us the ability to truly change the world or make it a better place to live. I am sure this sounds simplistic, but it is the only force powerful enough to cure what ails us really as human beings.

You can say, "but I'm just a person". It doesn't matter. It only takes one person to make the world a better place. Application of the principle of love in your life, and you will watch your whole life change, change your world. This is how true change begins, at an individual level.

Maybe you says, "but what others think of me?" When you really love others, it really doesn't matter what they think. The question now is, "How can I love others more"? Again, it is the path to freedom.

If you haven't everything from your faith in Christ you thought you would receive when you became a Christian, perhaps it is time for a change. Christianity is not a religion yet; It is a way of life. It calls us to any other standard than that of the world, a standard that make the world a better place would make if we only lived by it.

If your life is not all that it should be today, trying to apply more love. Love is the only true path to lasting peace and happiness.

If you have more success in business, in your relationships and want to in your life, try love to apply to the situation. If you change your world will change forever. For the better.

In the words of Newsong is "love is the only solution". So let's start with a "Love Revolution".

avisadores the radar legales

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