martes, 30 de agosto de 2011

Fusional love

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If one cannot define what is the love in a precise way, if one can only note that the literature and poetry charm us by their periphrases on the love without never giving an account completely of it, that since centuries, if the subject occupies so much our spirits and our intellect, it should not however be forgotten that we should not a priori accept any intellectual representation of the love under pretext which one names, commonly, all and anything under the term "love" and which the latter is often used to justify most contestable of the behaviors.

In this article, we will be interested in a quite particular kind of "love": fusional love. Often associated the representation of passion in love, this category of love (I will take here to the word love in its direction more general and most indefinite, most social also) offers many psychological dangers of which it can be interesting to realize. Behind the "interesting" term, we could develop this concept of utility, because once involved in a history of fusional love, it is often very difficult for intellect to take again the control of the situation which created a major emotional disorder.

Archetypal images of the love passion

All most all catholic country of tradition, has a relation very particular to the love like have it the other countries of the same tradition. Contrary to the Protestant tradition, the love is placed in the catholic tradition in the forefront of the good, in front of the law. This prevalence in the scale of values explains a tradition of the love in the Latin companies where one also speaks about "love of God", a tradition which one observes much in literature in particular.

The unconscious Latin collective (and Westerner on the whole in addition, are filled up archetypal images of the love passion, mythical couples with the tragic destinies (Tristan and Iseult, Romeo and Juliette, etc) and traditional stories turning around loves passion. The penal code holds even a special section with the crime personnel which can be seen like a psychological loss of control and to give extenuating circumstances in a judgment for homicide.

The attraction of the literature for these drifts of the feeling in love somewhat masked a reflexion on the love which can be made by means of the psychoanalysis. There is of course no question of believing that the psychoanalysis will be able to explain the love; as a deeply human feeling, it is not very probable that no explanation is sufficient nor even credible logically. Nevertheless the use of certain psychoanalytical methods can be useful, if not to offer a reading of the love, at least to try a reading of the neurotic drifts of the love. In this direction, the subject is still often taboo.

Behind this optics, the question will arise of what being called love is not love insofar as it aims at damaging the psychology of its protagonists. This reflexion will inevitably bring back for us to consider the archetypal images of the love and with exhiber of the completely important nuances of vocabulary compared to the commonly allowed directions of the words love and passion.

Fusional love and love passion

A semantic slip seems to have taken place progressively with time between "love passion" and "fusional love". We will try to trace contours between the two concepts knowing the danger which such a separation represents. Nevertheless, we will approach in this will of distinction only the point of view of a certain unconscious collective, of an attempt at explanation of the differences rather than in real separation.

The passion love, in the imaginary collective, is often a love of thunderbolt, in which one often finds a component sexual very marked. It is a love of excess, a love neurotic like known as Jung, for whom the thunderbolt is a manifestation of the neurosis, a love which can generate acts of violence between the members of the couples or towards the so-called enemies of this couple. The love passion is a love which we could describe as nonintellectual, two protagonists being submerged by their attraction one for the other beyond any reason. Is associated this representation of the love passion the tragedy of the couple, either in the destroying drift of the two actors, or in the destroying drift external people. The love passion is regarded as a love of an incredible intensity but one weak lifespan, it is a love of the abandonment of the reflexion. Some share, it is necessary to insist on the positive image that the love passion near the common run of people has. One often dreams of passion, of fear of perhaps being bored, like archetypal dream, joining the myth, making themselves higher than the others in the intensity of lived.

Our intention, by this display of the commonplaces of the unconscious collective, is not to treat image of the love passion, nor to even comment on the vision of the thunderbolt as a neurosis, made by Jung. It is to be interested in the difference between the love passion and the love fusion.

The fusional love is completely different in its structure even if it is often confused with the archetypal images which we have just evoked. Its origin is not an unconditional and nonintellectual attraction towards the person, but lies above all in the will to fill a vacuum and that by means of this fusion in the other. In this direction, the fusional love is often a calmer love, more "intellectual", representing the other like the means essential to fill the vacuum in oneself. The fusional love is thus a love neurotic.

The love passion was qualified like neurotic on behalf of Jung because of his definition of the neurosis. The neurosis is for him an imbalance between intellect and the feelings. In this direction, when one of the two components of psyche takes supremacy on the other in a durable way and enters in conflict with the other part, there is neurosis. The love passion would be thus a love neurotic due to an excess of "significant" passion and the love fusion a love neurotic due to an excess of intellect.Each type of psychology will have a tendency to make derive its notion of the love in a natural way towards one or the other of these neurotic demonstrations. Who more is, the reason of re-elected love passion in our Western companies is that this type of love is less intellectual and thus nearer to our Judeo-Christians roots, more immediate, more "naturalness" in what it makes derive the love towards excess from sensitive, towards the possession of psyche whole by passion.The fusional love, on the other hand, is a more discrete but revealing love of a disorder often larger of the personality, insofar as this disorder is durable. This love is often confused with the love passion insofar as during the rupture, it can also start unverifiable accesses of madness (violence's, suicide, etc). Its demonstrations a posteriori are thus close to the demonstrations a priori of the love passion but its structure is very different.

Structure of the fusional love

The fusional love, as we said, comes from a lack which is filled by the other. It is ambiguous to qualify neurotic this established fact, since with the love often the lack of the other is essential. In this direction, a clarification is necessary: the lack of the fusional love is a lack which preexists to the love, it is an individual lack which is an emotional lack with the paces of pit. The roots of this lack are to be sought in the personal past of the person, in particular in the physical and/or psychological absence of the relative of sex opposed during childhood.

A contraries of the love passion, the fusional love is thus asymmetrical whereas the love passion is symmetrical in excess. The part played by the two protagonists is completely different, the first having an emotional internal lack very important to fill and the second of the tendencies natural to want to believe that it can fill it. One will quote in the predispositions which carry out to believe that one can fill the major emotional vacuum of a person the following features:

- the kindness,

- the weakness of character,

- the syndrome of the charming prince,

- the over-estimate of the loved person due to an under valuation of its own value,

- the imbalance of psyche too intellectual and not sensitive enough.

The mechanics of this kind of love is thus a setting in phase of two people for which one has emotional needs to fill and the other thinks of being able to fill them. Once again, I repeat that the quantification of these needs is, in the case of the fusional love, very important and due to other factors that the simple fact of liking. The disorder of psyche of the personality in lack is former to the couple.

The unicity of the love

Very quickly in the life of the couple, the difficulty of the unicity of this love in purely intellectual terms arises. It is a question of being convinced that this love is single and thus to re-sift the archetypal images of the impassioned couples, whereas we saw that this representation was erroneous in the case of the fusional love. Of course, any love is single in what it relates to two people who are they-also single. But behind this single love, the fusional couple tries to position in a competition intellectual with the other couples: it is necessary to manage to make couple what the others do not manage to do. Like any intellectual love, the concept of challenge and perfection emerges quickly in the positioning of the couple towards itself and the external world.

This process leads to a very easy judgment on the external people with the couple and to a raising the moral standard based on the fact that this particular couple is higher than the others by far insofar as it "is welded more" that others. In this direction, this kind of couple is often regarded inventors of the love and not as discoverers of this one, which is completely different, the first being located in a simplistic scale of value at the top of the seconds.

Moreover, the purpose of this setting in prospect for the couple as it is exceptional be to flatter not very stable individual egos: the person in emotional lack finding the means there glorifier "of having built something" while the person little ensured of itself draws from the couple an insurance of loan related to the image that the couple has itself.

The psyche common one

Each one finding in the intellectual representation of the couple its immediate happiness and the means of developing itself will have a tendency natural to cultivate this common representation, to reinforce it, cherish it, with the deifier. This stage is built by means of the integration in this "psyché common" (which is a true closed reference frame) of elements of personalities coming from the two protagonists.The psyche common one is thus a mixture of both psyches given that that this mixture is incomplete compared to each one because it contains only the representation shared of each psyche. This remark very important insofar as, this is structurally psyche common caricature of each one,

The evidence of love

Why does one make vis-à-vis this kind of mechanism? Why moreover seek one answer to this question? There is an answer to this question because the fusional couple is a intellectual couple and thus there is a very intellectual reason with the construction of this psyche common. The reason in is simple. The person having the vacuum to fill cannot rely on the love, because this one is indemonstrable . There is thus need for evidence of love, evidence which is completely useless in the case of the love passion where the love is there and even often too there.This evidence passes by the establishment of a common reference frame stable and demonstrable. It is necessary that the couple is tangible psychologically, that its reactions are foreseeable and can be associated the love. It should be proven at every moment that the emotional pit must fill.

Necessarily, to arrive at such ends, each one must yield with the domination of psyche common which, as a shared intellectual representation, does not have anything any more human, but is on the contrary cold and abstract construction in which the needs or the characteristics of each one are caricatured.

Loss of personality and confusion of the feelings

To yield with psyche common is a true psychological torture that only people having a developed intellectual side can support for questions of principle (in particular that to have built a perfect couple . To endorse this common personality, it is first of all necessary to deny its intrinsic personality in the name of the love which one carries to the other . Then, it is necessary to live with this cold and incomplete personality like a dress of ice, therefore to make repression of its feelings and its singularity a permanent state.To endorse a common personality for rational reasons is thus a way necessary towards the characterized neurosis. Let us note that this obligatory psychological punishment is of an extreme violence against oneself and has thus nothing to see with the love. Certain behavioral demonstrations could make laugh if they were not so serious: one is for example, once this common personality entered in us, able to be "certain" (intellectually gets along) knowledge what the other thinks constantly and to answer by the thought of the other when somebody asks us what one one thinks oneself.The fusional love thus leads mechanically to a chronic schizophrenia.


The end of the adventure in love fusional cannot be, formally that of only one kind: the abdication of the person having believed to be able to fill the vacuum. In the facts, several types of behaviors can be observed:

- brutal stop of the relationship to a very great difficulty of keeping reports/ratios would be this only normal with the people formerly in fusional love;

- escapes structural of the person who believed capacity to fill the emotional vacuum;

- mental annihilation of the person who is not authorized any more to think by oneself;

- suicide of the one of the two people, either because of a lack of evidence of love, or because of an unbearable psychic presence of this psyche common (psychological vampirism).The person having the emotional lack to fill will be able to develop, in the continuation of her neurosis, an attachment particular to this common personality and to make it live only by making it speak and continuously to develop accesses of chronic schizophrenia, in particular through reproaches with the other not to make what was well for itself, that is to say "to continue to build" on the late couple.

It is necessary to have a very good analyst to manage to bring back these people towards themselves, nature making that, in this case, the complementary personality resulting from the remains from psyche common is always reassuring, like an echo with the past. One will be able only to deplore this established fact and to note that the forces gathered several personalities in the same person are often fights some against the analyst in order to show to him that all is well and that it investigate of dummy roads, and at the bottom, in order to continue to exist in psyche of the patient to refuse the fear of creating a new vacuum while looking after itself. It is possible that the psychoanalysis is not, for this kind of patients, of any utility and that the analyst sees himself obliged to give up.The other type of actor who believed capacity to fill the vacuum will be able to deal with very important risks of relapse with an attraction for comparable psychologies people in serious emotional lack. The analysis appears to be more useful in this case. It is necessary nevertheless to insist on resistance that one can wait of an intellect which was accustomed to function on a neurotic mode and which will have to take again self-awareness on a normal mode. The fusional love could be, ultimately, a pathology of the intellect which threatens the integrity of the reasoning themselves while using of the systematic repression on the sensitive side.


Under the term of love hide very important dangers, i.e. an underestimation of the psychological dangers related to certain relations and a latent confusion of the feelings due to an ignorance of common psychological pathologies. If it were necessary to give simple qualifiers to the love, we could try the following:

- the love should not draw aside from oneself,

- the love is achievement of oneself with the other,

- the achievement of the other is a joy of the love,

- the love is to feel happy when the other is happy (and not to want its happiness while presupposing to know what good through the is psyche to him common one),

- if there is strong relation in love, there is not control with a named abstract entity couple.To leave the images of a real scene of each individuals, even within the couple, it is what should allow the love. However, often, the love forces the latent features neurotic, underlines them, the door with their apogee. In other words, it is not because it is said that there is love that there is love, it is not because one seeks to be convinced that one knows what is the love that one knows what is the love. Mistrust towards the love which is most beautiful of the things of the life and which can be one of most dangerous.

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Sacred love-22 suggestions that the tide in your life and the lives of everyone

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Love is the most universally sought, most profoundly cherished, the most humanly pursued element in the universe. Yet, it is the most abused, misunderstood, undervalued commodity in all of human existence. Why? Why, because we are all totally stupid, we can't even separate emotion from love. We think nice is loving, we think good is lovable. No wonder relationships are getting shorter. How do we deal with this?

Here are 22 suggestions that will turn the tide in your life and the lives of anyone who chooses to read and follow them...

Rule One...Live with Love

One day, you look up, and there it is, the most beautiful sight your eyes have ever seen. You are lost, swept away, there is no choice, it happens. In that one brief moment in time you are in love. The most beautiful experience of life and in that moment you are changed forever. Nothing happened to cause it. You fell. When you least expected it, there before your eyes, the eternity opened, you fell into love. Whether it lasts one second, one week or a lifetime this love is precious, a treasure to be absolutely revered.

Rule Two...Be with Love

In the whole of the universe, every molecule has a place, a role, a gift. If you can just be thankful for what you have, for the blessing of life itself, to remind yourself of how lucky you are, then your whole life would change in just that one acknowledgement. We complain about love only because we expect more and more. But we forget how lucky we are. Once you see the gift of your life, your heart will open again, your youthfulness will shine, your energy becomes infectious and your health just takes a leap. Music sounds different and life, like a springtime flower, just opens, and opens and opens. Stay humble to the gift and count your blessings.

Rule Three...A Partnership with Love

Sacred Love means falling in love forever, you'll see stars and moons and heavens every night you choose, nothing can stop you, nothing can get in your way and your lover will be magnetized, because you will have a purpose to share, greater than the both of you. The Universal Laws of nature, let your arms fold around the heart of your lover, and feel the absolute delight of a love that can last forever. Feel in love forever, like there's no tomorrow or yesterday or today. Inspired, you let your love become a moonbeam to forever, and let dreams be dreams all day. Nothing external can have any power over you unless you permit it. Your love is too precious to be sacrificed defending menial emotions, like hate, jealously, and envy. Your life is fragile, to stay open in love, guard it carefully. Only the universe of Nature can create the magnificence of a flower, but any foolish mind can pull it to pieces.

Rule Four...Power your life with Love.

You are born to love. Without the power of love, we can only follow our ego and the desires of the world. Make love a priority. Without the centering power of Love recognized by the heart, we suffer fragmentation, dispersion in the multiplicity. To work on transforming the ego can be a tedious and discouraging process. To contain it with laws and codes is temporary and synthetic. But if we bring the ego, the intellect, and the emotions into the boundlessness of the heart, this places them in a truer context. To view them apart from the heart is to view them in a partial or distorted context. Much of our human foolishness is the result of our mind and feelings. Being divorced from our hearts, divorced from our love. An essential practice is to bring the mind down into the heart, to submerge it in the heart space, and therefore to bring reason and heart into unity.

Rule Five...Grow with Love Everyday

Grow your love every day. Whenever you make a mistake or feel downed by love, don't look back at it too long. Learn to move it to love. Challenges are life's way of teaching you. Your capacity to love through challenge is inseparable from your capacity to reach the higher heights of love. There is always another challenge, and your downers, when they happen, are just part of your sacred opportunity, given by your creator, for growth. Grow through your challenges. Nobody does to you more than you do to yourself. Never quit. Love is there, never walk away without love in your heart.

Rule Six...Celebrate Life with Love

Grow from life. Search for the balance of good in every adversity and for adversity in every good. Master these universal laws of nature, even this one principle of balance and you will own a precious light, a light that turns any blockage into love, a truth that will guard your commitment to love. Never be right, will you learn things in adversity that you would never have discovered without challenge. There is always a balance, and in finding that balance you thrive.

Rule Seven...Healing with Love

Let your actions speak for your heart, act with love. Be always on guard against the traps of the ego, righteousness, false pride and blame. These can halt your progress. Take a view point from nature, the next time you think you "know best" go to the beach, remove one single grain of sand, look back at the beach and the difference you can see is a correct measure of your importance. Then look up at the stars, and imagine, we are on a planet, going around one sun, in one galaxy with 6 trillion other suns and there are 50 billion known galaxies.

Rule Eight...A Heart Filled with Love

Never again clutter your days or nights with so much "busi-ness" and unimportant things that you have no time to "be in love" and "live with love". This applies to play as well as work. A day merely survived, with money as the only reward, is no cause for celebration. In its purified state the human heart is the hologram of the seen and unseen worlds; it is the part that reflects the whole. The heart is the point at which the individual human being is closest to the Divine. The heart is the centre of our motivation and our knowing, possessing a depth and strength of will that the personality lacks. When we say that the heart has an integrative power, we are not talking in abstract, metaphorical, or merely intellectual terms. The realization and purification of the heart both opens a doorway to the infinite, and also results in a restructuring of neural pathways, a refinement and reorganization of our entire nervous system, which allows the fullest expression of our human possibilities. We can so easily fall into the world of live to work rather than work to live. Time can rush by; we are so busy getting ready to enjoy life, that we are too tired to take advantage of it. To manage our life, for the benefit of love, we must master the power of will. This, in another language, means discipline. No more busy work. No more hiding from love. Leave time, leave space to grow. Now. Now! Not tomorrow!

Rule Nine...Dream with Love

Live your dreams. Do what you love. Relationships start with spontaneous love, they grow through emotion, and they survive because of shared dreams. To know your dreams is the key to a loving relationship. Welcome every morning with enthusiasm for life because today is another step closer to your dreams. Look at today as a gift, a special gift from your Creator, an opportunity to celebrate love with your beloved, to do the work you love, to be in a world of love. Design your day (the night before), to make it a day of love. Be a self-starter, start the day with love. Let your first hour be your hour to set the theme of inspired living and thoughts merged with action that will echo through your entire day. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Wake to inspired living. Nature is with you and therefore the whole universe wants your day to be magnificent. Live it and share it, make yourself indispensable for your partner in fulfilling their dreams. That is the devotion of long-term love.

Rule Ten...Give with Love

Acknowledge that you are the projector, your beloved is the screen. To change how you see the world, change the film, not the screen. The true source of happiness lies within you. Don't blame or try to change others, it is a waste of time and effort. Love, peace, contentment and joy come from within you. Remember there is no happiness in being right, only blocked love and pious separateness. Reach out, fall in love, drop the barriers, share your gifts, your assets and your love. Smile. Hug. Happiness is infectious, I hope you get some and pass it on.

Rule Eleven...Live - Love - Life with Love

Learn to admire life rather than wanting to change it. Find contentment within yourself that there is really nothing to change. You, your lover, and your extended family are perfect creatures in Natures creation. Remind yourself that there is absolutely nothing to change, only something to love. Build each day on a foundation of pleasant thoughts by always looking for the two sides. There are two sides to everything, simply make a point of focusing on the positive. People become as you treat them. So acknowledge their gifts. Let the negatives take care of themselves. Remind yourself that through the power of thought, you can achieve any dream you choose. Let the dream in your heart be real.

Rule Twelve...Hold a Mystical Smile with Love

Develop the mystical smile. Laugh at yourself and at life. Not in the spirit of derision or cruel belittlement, but as a remedy, a miracle drug, that will ease your pain cure your depression. Put life in perspective emotion is just a blast from the past; your sorrow is such a mistake of identity. Put that sadness to the wind with a smile at your predicaments. Free your mind to think clearly, become open for the solution that is certain to come. Never take yourself, your arguments, your opinions and your circumstances too seriously. Always look on the bright side of life, de do de do de dum. It's really never as bad as you think. Your ego might get hurt, but they are cheap. You heart is alive. Live with Spirit.

Rule Thirteen... Go with Love

Surrender to love. Today, and every day, fall in love, again, and again and again. Give more than is expected of you. Expect no reward. The beauty of love will be half won when you learn the secret of putting out more than is expected in all that you do. Make yourself so valuable to your beloved that eventually you will become indispensable. Find their dream and help them live it. Exercise your privilege to support their journey, go the extra mile, and enjoy all the rewards you receive. You deserve them!

Rule Fourteen...Give with Love

Beginning today, treat everyone you meet, friend or foe, loved one or stranger, as if they needed your approval. Extend to each person, no matter how trivial the contact, all the care and kindness and understanding and love that you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again. There is no greater existence than the life that gives more than it takes.

Rule Fifteen...Tiny Moments with love

Aim for the stars in your dreams and purpose. But measure your life in the little things. God is in the details. It's the little things that count. Never neglect the little things. Be mindful of the small things; that extra effort, that additional few minutes, that soft word of praise or thanks, that delivery of the very best that you can do. Act with loving-kindness. It does not matter what your lover thinks, you must think for yourself, you must do what is beautiful, loving and true, no matter what, eventually, you have to sleep with you. You are special. Act it. Never neglect the little things. Act with love, always.

Rule Sixteen...Begin Each Day with Love

Begin each day with your inner work -- early is best -- and with this to support you, as you move through the day, you will meet each opportunity that presents itself from your own centre. Then you establish and dance with a sense of joy, vitality and enthusiasm for life. With this in place, no activities are work any more: they are an act of love and you find yourself tireless in it because you have all the energy you require for anything. It is a question of where you begin, and of what you understand your real work to be. Try to start out with an intense love of life. then go wherever that love takes you, and do whatever you are called upon to do from there.

Rule Seventeen...A Home with Love

Always remember, that you work to enjoy the rewards of love. Always honor your hard days work in the very best way, wrapped in the warmth of your beloved. Nurture their love carefully, treasure that gift, and prioritize them over all the rest of life. And know that by this one act, your children get models, not critics. Bring your best side home, take your hat off at the door. Then, even if you have not reached your mark at all else in the world, bringing love to your family, you are the best of success.

Rule Eighteen...Choose with Love

Choose love. Make your day a step, rather than a leap toward your dreams. Whatever you do, do not fill your day with long and difficult projects, or rushing here and rushing there, feeding your ego, getting nothing done well. Create small increments that add and will take you, step by step, toward your rainbow. Life is a process the process is love. Love cannot exist in a frenetic scramble of over work, over reach, and over filled schedules. Write down your daily chores, if you must, but make it easily achievable in a healthy state of mind. Don't drag chores to tomorrow. Be patient; prioritize your attitude, your thankfulness, you love and your lover. Never allow your day to become so cluttered that you neglect your most important aspect, to love the best you can, to love this day, and rest grateful and satisfied with what you have accomplished.

Rule Nineteen...Romance with Love

Romance your beloved. Live this day as if it will be your last together. Remember tomorrow never comes. Forget yesterday's challenges. Be innocent get off the high horse. Ignore all your worries about tomorrow. This is it. Your own Jihad. Give it all you have. Make it the best day of your year. Forget Valentines Day, every day is valentines day. The saddest words you can ever hear "I wish I had my time over again ... I'd do it different" regret. The stupidest people have "do it tomorrow," on their calendar.. Act like your beloved is the most precious diamond, and if you don't act now, they'll melt. Run with it! Today! Now. Don't be a mourner get out of the corner.

Rule Twenty...At Peace with Love

Love others, but love yourself also. Go out! - the world is beautiful, adventurous; it is a challenge, it enriches. Don't lose that opportunity! Whenever the world knocks at your door and calls you, go out! Go out fearlessly - there is nothing to lose, there is everything to gain. But don't get lost. Don't go on and on and get lost. Sometimes come back home. Sometimes forget the world- those are the moments of meditation, Each day, if you want to become balanced, you should balance the outer and the inner. They should carry the same weight, so that inside you never become lopsided. This is the meaning when Zen masters say: "Walk in the river, but don't allow the water to touch your feet." "Be in the world, but don't be of the world." "Be in the world but don't allow the world to be in you. When you come home, you come home as if the whole world has disappeared."

Rule Twenty-One...Be Free with Love

Live with an open heart. Move to love. Accept the diversity of love. Don't run away, have the courage to change your consciousness around love. . Hold your love for life supreme, and devote your life to it. Nothing external can have any power over you unless you permit it. Your love is too precious to be sacrificed defending menial emotions, like hate, jealously, and envy. Your life is fragile, to stay open in love, guard it carefully. With an open heart we learn not to punish people for who they are. Other people can't belong to us, no matter how much we love them, our only right is to appreciate them. Don't allow support or challenge to distract you from doing what you love, being with who you love and giving what you love. Learn to free others to have their choices, without getting caught. Love is not attachment. Do not react to negativity, ignore it, let it pass you; don't even hit the ball back. Never accept criticism you didn't ask for. Opinions are the cheapest commodity on earth. Their stress is not your stress, their fears and doubts are not your doubts. Only the universe of Nature can create the magnificence of a flower, but any foolish mind can pull it to pieces So open hearted living is inspired living. You can be inspired simply by knowing that everything you feel was inside you, already. Someone just bought it out. And at least that makes you honest with yourself.

Rule Twenty-Two...Compassion with Love

Each day count your blessings to be alive and able to love. Although emotion may suggest that life is not always fair, never allow the pains, hurdles, and disappointments of the moment to overwhelm your loving attitude and plans for yourself and your beloved. What you don't appreciate, depreciates. You can never win when you wear the resentful mask of self-pity, and the bitter taste of accusation. They will certainly frighten away any opportunity for love. Never again hold a critical thought for yourself or your beloved. There is a better way.

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lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

Sacred love-the love of your dreams

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Beginning today, treat everyone you meet, friend or foe, loved one or stranger, as if they needed your approval. Extend to each person, no matter how trivial the contact, all the care and kindness and understanding and love that you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again. There is no greater existence than the life that gives more than it takes.

If you are in love it will show. In your eyes, your face, the way you walk, the way you sit, everything will show it, because you are not the same person. You have been touched. The desiring mind is not there. And here is a big problem.

If you are only happy when you find a lover to fall in love with, your life and relationship will be a mess. Before you fell in love there was not the same experience, so basically you were walking around incomplete without a lover. It's like that song "You're nobody till somebody loves you", in reality, that headspace causes all our suffering .

It should read, "You're somebody, whether anybody loves you". If you are one person before you fall in love, and then you are somebody else after you fall in love, there is dependency on this great experience, and that is the beginning of relationship problems. This is the first or second level of love, where there is significant confusion between love, need, rescue and an anti-depressant.

There are four substitutes for love. They are sex, food, religion and material greed. Many people can't discern the difference between love and substitutes. They feel in love because of great sex, or because their lover has lots of wealth. This is because the same chemicals that are produced in the body when love is there, are produced when we experience hope. So chemically, love hormones are secreted when we experience other forms of happiness, such as infatuation, but hope is also a powerful aphrodisiac.

This is the motive that attracts people together in the first, second and third levels of love. Their hormones are racing; they can't tell if it is love, infatuation or hope. The chemistry of their body changes and they feel every experience of "In LOVE". But they are not in love. They are in solution. Solution to a problem is a substitute for love. This substitution is unsustainable. The attachment to their lover is highly emotional, highly conditional, it's the relationship made in hell, because there is a heightened hope that love is there, but it is not really love, and it fails. They were just not ready to be in love, because they were not in love before they met their lover.

To really be in love, we must learn to be in love without a partner, as well as with a partner. We must become "in love" without someone to love. It is a loving attitude to life, to trees and children and sunsets alone; in love with a movie, and in love with our parents. To be ready to fall in love, we must be in love with our past and our future.

When you are really in love with something in your life, you are ambivalent to it. In other words you are not attracted to it, or repelled by it. You are not afraid of it or avoiding it. That person or circumstance is a part of you. They are you. You are they, they are the mirror and you can see yourself there. In this love, there is thankfulness. You can thank someone, you are no longer trying to do the opposite to them; you are them. You can be in love with anyone if you choose. Of course, that is not to say you need a relationship with them. Love is a way of being in the world without reaction to it.

There are many single people who learn to love everyone in order to keep themselves at peace, safe. And this is healthy, but contentment is not a place to stay, it is only a place that you might become happy without a lover. That is fine if you want your ego to be strong and powerful in the world. Just stay single so there is no person who can confront your "giant within" - but this is not love. That state of contentment is a war on love. This is not what I am suggesting. Because if the ego is in control, then your contentment is something you'll try to protect in your relationship, there will be no experience of a life with love, only sexual moments of it. If your ego wants contentment, it is asking to flatten the spirit of your lover, it will search the world for someone who is "trustworthy", but what it is really asking for is "non-disturbance", authority. Eventually, that relationship will deteriorate, then you will be controlling, possessive, jealous, fearful, unable to trust, judgmental, self righteous, blaming. And frankly, what level of celebration of love is that going to promote? You will lose that chemistry of falling in love and gain the acidity of resentment.

This tension will usually kill love before it begins. Remember, nobody can do to you more than you do to yourself so, if you are not sitting on a beach, painting a picture, or doing your work at the office with love; if you are unhappy before you meet someone, or addicted to the substitutes, then your love will have all the chemical experiences you want, but none of the sustainable spiritual experiences you need. If you are not in love with life before you meet your lover, then it's a bit weird to expect that you will be able to fix all your emotional problems by falling in love. You'll only find someone to relieve the pain. And nothing is going to do that for long.

Many people I have worked with blame their relationship for everything. But when you look inside their heart, those issues, that unhappiness, has been there forever. They may have channeled it to their parents, ex-partner, children or brothers and sisters, even the business can get the blame, but when they come into relationship, their partner gets the blame and everything else is let off the hook, including themselves.

In nature, the forest is the same forest whether you are in it or not.

Romance is not built out of a fearful dependency that says, "Without you, my life is not worth living". That expression comes from someone who is severely depressed and you have become their anti-depressant. You are not an anti-depressant, you are a lover of life, and a lover of lovers. So, the question is, are you in love, before you fall in love with someone?

In nature, there is nothing missing, there is always love in one form or another

When I was first married, I thought there was only one person I could be in love with. So, that became my wife. There were people that I loved, but there was only my wife to be in love with. I didn't really think about love as something I could do at work, or at sport. I said, "Love is for my wife, and everything else is something else". It's like putting on a straight jacket. It's inhuman because anything we do in life without love is competitive and dry. So in my business, I was not interested in loving what I was doing, I was dry and tough, which made my leadership very aggressive. When my divorce came, I realised that I had been inhuman to myself. That I needed to actually be in love with my world, and with what I did, in order to be in love with a partner. Then, my relationships were not little love moments in an otherwise hard working life, my relationships were a magnificent extension of what I already had.

To be in love we cannot become exclusive. We cannot pretend to be loving and open hearted to one person, and judgmental and protective toward another. Love is not like a suit we wear that can be put on and taken off. Love is a way of living, an attitude from which we choose a relationship, and there we become exclusive in our actions. To love is not exclusive, that cannot be. But from that love, we can choose to be in relationship, an intimate, romantic and beautiful relationship, and then we prioritise that person, and choose to open to them. So we focus significant energy in this book on becoming that which you want others to be, to make your life an act of love.

Love is a state of being. It cannot depend on what you are doing physically, or with whom you are doing it. But lovers want the beloved to love only them, no one else. They don't know that unless you can love all, you cannot love anyone. The wife might say the husband can love only her, and not be loving toward anybody else; the stream of his love should flow only toward her. But she does not realise that such love is false, and that she has caused it to be false. How can a lover who is not full of love for everybody be loving to his partner?

A magnificent key to creating a harmonious, lasting and sacred relationship is to understand that a loving person treats both those they like, and those they dislike, with love. This is the spiritual aspect of it all. A person with love offers a loving attitude even to lifeless objects. This is the beginning, learning to love pets and objects, good friends and kind acts. But the true test comes when we are asked to love those who hurt us, those who are unkind to us, and most importantly, in our relationship, our lover who brings truth home to us, by challenging us.

This sacred relationship you dream of, is an attitude. You must be mindful that your attitude in every moment of your life causes the quality of your life. Your emotions are not automatic; you are not a leaf blown around the park wherever the wind takes you. You are the tree, your roots go deep, your soul is guiding you to love. There is no authenticity in following your emotions of hurt or pleasure. Only animals cannot choose how they respond to circumstance. Although your animal instinct is important to your feeling of emotion, you must choose one thousand times a day to be inspired by love and work through your judgments. If you gravitate to your emotional nature (Ego), and be swept along in the rush of it all, your love life will always deteriorate to drama.

Do you think that we can hate one person and love another? No, that is impossible. A loving human being is a loving human being; it has nothing to do with some individual. Even sitting alone such a person is loving, even when no one is watching, they are loving. To be loving is this persons nature, it has nothing to do with relationship. A loving person is loving no matter with whom or where they are.

Love Bites

Every day we walk, talk, smile, laugh and work. In this, there is an opportunity to open ourselves to Love people. The bus driver, the checkout person, the taxi driver, the CEO. We can just grab a moment and feel love without acting, I call them love bites Tiny moments in time, where you actually fall in love and let it pass. It is not invasive, like asking for phone numbers or even trying to get an acknowledgement. These spoil the beauty of it. Simply by opening your mind to the possibility that, if you are mindful you can fall in love, over and over and over, with anyone, anywhere, anytime. I once experienced a love bite with 500 people in one day. I doubt any of them knew it. Because a love bite stops right there, in the awareness. You fall in love, feel the love bite, and keep it a secret. The action stops there. Then you simply buy the milk and go home. You just fall in love, feel the love bite, and leave it. A love bite experience means no action, and then you will have many. This is a culture of love. Where you learn to see beauty as often as possible, to celebrate that diversity of beauty by taking the nano-second to honor and witness it.

A man walked into the room, flung the door open, angrily undid his shoelaces because they were too tight, tossed them in the corner, then closed the door with a thud. If there is anger inside, a person will treat their shoes and possessions as if they were his worst enemy. The man bowed before the monk, and offered his respects.

The monk said, "I cannot respond to your greeting until you apologise to the door and your shoes."

The man protested, "They are not alive, I will not apologise, why should I?"

The Monk replied, "You took your anger out on those shoes, and the door, you acknowledged their personality when you were angry with them. You threw the shoes as if they were guilty of something. You have acknowledged their personality in your actions, so you must acknowledge their personality in your apology to them."

The man, "Sorry to you shoes, I was angry at you, sorry door I took out my frustration on you."

The man turned to the Monk and spoke, "I feel so at peace with myself, this has made me aware that I have been treating everything with my anger, people and things, I have been stirring my anger."

avisadores de radar legales

domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Looking for love in All the Wrong Places

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Love is the most powerful thing in the world with enormous potential to give life. For all the power love holds, we still live in a world that is hungry for love. Everyone is looking for love. We look for love, think we have found it, and then find ourselves disillusioned when the feelings go away. Well what does real love look like anyway? What is the love we all need and want? How will we know when we've found it?

Depending on who's doing the talking and what is being expressed, love means different things to different people. Two people might commit themselves to love each other but have different ideas of what it really means. Some think of being in love as an unexplainable feeling that we fall in and out of, especially in today's society. Love can also mean a self-sacrificing action on behalf of others. Some use the word love to refer to a desire for a sexual relationship. Even in everyday conversation we use the word love to refer to a variety of things. For instance, I love music or I love my computer or I really love your hair like that.

Love can be a dangerous word because it can mean so many different things to different people it can end up meaning nothing at all. Love makes us vulnerable to being hurt, misunderstood, embarrassed, or taken advantage of. Some have been so hurt by elusiveness of love that they've given up on it, totally washed their hands of it.

I hope after reading this article and studying the scriptures for yourself that you will find love isn't so elusive after all. It might help us though to make a distinction between the different kinds of love before we proceed any further, then focus on the kind of Christian love the Holy Spirit produces or God's kind of love.

In the Greek language there are four words that describe this act of loving. I don't particularly care for Greek words because I don't speak Greek, but in this case it helps us to understand Christian love better.

The first is the Eros. It is from this word Eros that we get the word erotic and romantic. What it is basically is the chemical reaction between a male and a female. During the New Testament times this word Eros was associated with lust. Love on this level is usually self-centered.

The second word is Philia. Philia is the kind of human love that comes out because we appreciate the goodness of others. Sometimes we say I love him or her for what they did in my time of need, or for a community or country. It is not romantic. It is more gratitude, admiration and respect.

The third word for love is Storge. This is the love that is shared between family members, most of the time that is. Between spouses, brothers and sisters, parents and children. This love is often conditional on some kind of relationship.

And then there is Agape, the word the Bible uses and the word we are concerned about here. It is not the I love because I am loved love. Neither is it the I love you because I need you love. Agape is the kind of love Jesus showed on the cross. Forgiving those who were persecuting Him. This love is sacrificial, self-giving, and unmerited by the recipient.

It loves those who are hard to love. Agape is the hardest kind of love because it is loving those that we might feel don't deserve it, loving even when we know we won't get it in return. Its the kind of love that the Holy Spirit produces within us and allows us to do things that we cannot do by ourselves. No wonder Paul puts it at the beginning of the list of the Fruit of the Spirit.

One of the first steps in receiving and releasing God's kind of love is to recognize the difference between human love and a true God-kind of love. Man's corrupt nature doesn't have access to God's love. God is love and any man or woman who does not have God is separated from true love. Human love and God's love are not even in the same class. Basically, human love is selfish and God's love is totally unselfish. Human love says, I'll love you as long as you do what I want you to. God's love is unconditional.

First Corinthians 13:4-8 lists the characteristics of God's love. Few understand and appreciate how unique God's love really is. We relate God's love similarly to the way we've been loved. Our bad experiences prevent us from accepting God's love bringing Him down to our level thinking His love is conditional or proportional to our performance. That's how everyone else loves us, but God's love is different. Its like no other love you've ever experienced.

God's love never fails, even when we do. God's love is unconditional. We didn't do anything to deserve it and therefore, God doesn't withdraw His love when we don't deserve it. God loves us because He is love, not because we are lovable.

As we explore the characteristics of real love get ready for a revelation that will change your life. Then make a decision to renew your mind in the area of God's love. Ask the Lord to teach you anew what His love is all about.

Real love is longsuffering and kind. Charity suffers long, and is kind. The first characteristic of God s love recorded in 1 Corinthians 13 is long-suffering and kind. There are two ways to apply these truths. As Christians, we are to be long-suffering and kind to others, but this also describes the way God acts toward us. God is love (1 John 4:8), and the reason we can act in love toward others, is because He first acted in love toward us (1 John 4:19).

If you think God holds a grudge with you every time you do something wrong you will hold a grudge with others who do wrong to you. We give out of what we receive. If we can't receive love we can't give it. God doesn't ask more of us than what He is willing to give. He wouldn't tell us to be long-suffering and kind to others and then be short tempered with us. No! The Lord is very long-suffering and kind in His dealings with us. Kindness and long-suffering are distinguishing characteristics of God's kind of love for us.

Real love does not envy. The dictionary defines envy as discontented desire or resentment aroused by another's possessions, achievements, or advantages. A person who is discontent or resents others who have more things, more talent or a better job, is a person who does not appreciate God's love for him. When we receive God's love for us, a supernatural contentment settles into our lives that cannot be affected by the desire for things. Discontentment is envy and is at the root of all temptation.

Take Adam and Eve as an example. Before the devil could get them to sin, he had to make them discontent. That was not easy to do. They had no needs. They had never been hurt or abused. However he made them believe they were missing out on something. He made two people, living in paradise dissatisfied with perfection. That's amazing!

This shows that contentment isnt a state of being, but a state of mind. If perfect people living in a perfect world could become discontented, then certainly imperfect people living in an imperfect world can be discontented regardless of how things are going. We have to learn to be content in all states (Philippines. 4:11). God's love will give us the contentment we desire.

Real love is not boastful or proud. In other words, those who are full of real love don't think they are better than others. This characteristic of real love is the flip side of a love that is not envious or jealous. Jealousy wants what someone else has, but bragging tries to make others jealous of what we have. Jealousy puts others down, bragging builds ourselves up. Real love does not brag about its accomplishments. It is not given to self-display, not even to carefully worded statements of subtle self-promotion. King Solomon said it well when he wrote; Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth (Proverbs 27:2).

Real love knows how to behave. One of the biggest lies the devil ever sold us is that love is an over powering feeling that cannot be controlled. However God's kind of love never acts in an inappropriate way. To behave unseemly means to behave indecently or in a shameful manner. The Greek word that is translated unseemly literally means an indecency. In other words, God's kind of love never bares itself in an indecent manner.

How does behaving improperly relate to the principle of real love referred to in First Corinthians 13? It reminds us that the nature of real love will never make inappropriate demands of others. Real love will never prompt an unmarried person to say, if you love me, you'll prove it by giving yourself to me. Real love according to Paul, never pressures another to do something wrong to prove their loyalty. It seeks the best for the one loved not the personal gain, pleasure, or control that manipulation is often designed to achieve.

Real love is not selfish. The most distinguishing characteristic of the true God kind of love is that it is not selfish or self-serving. It describes a heart that is not so consumed with its own interests that it cannot show concern for the needs and interests of others.

Jesus is the best example of real love. He showed the kind of real love that is able to look beyond its own interests and embrace the concerns of others. Jesus didn't come to this earth to satisfy Himself. Ultimately, He did receive great satisfaction by redeeming mankind back to Himself. But the act of Jesus becoming flesh was for us, not for Him. He left all the splendor of glory and adoration and came to dwell for 30 years in the most humble surroundings, endured the scorn and ridicule of the religious establishment. Then suffered the ultimate rejection of crucifixion and took all the shame that went with being a condemned criminal. Yet He did all of this because God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son. (John 3:16)

Real love doesn't have a short fuse. It is not easily provoked. The next characteristic of real love describes a love that is not touchy or irritable. Oftentimes this important quality of love goes out with the wash. After years of shared displeasure, husbands and wives can become easily aggravated with each other. Parents shout at their children in frustration. Why do we get provoked? Sometimes we fester inside because we want what we want, when we want it and we wont take later for an answer. These temper tantrums provide evidence of our own selfishness.

There is, however, a time when it is proper to be emotionally upset and agitated. For example the attitude of Paul in Acts 17:16. The scripture says while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him when he saw that the city was given over to idols.

Paul's provocation was both called for and loving. The more he saw and thought about the idolatry of the city, the more concerned and upset he became in behalf of those who were being hurt and misled by such false religion.

Jesus also was deeply provoked when He turned over the tables of the temple moneychangers. He was loving enough to be angered by the commercialism that was disrupting the Court of the Gentiles in His Fathers House of Prayer. He cared for those who had lost a quiet place to pray (Mt. 21:12-13). Jesus was not expressing the kind of touchiness and irritability that signals a lack of love. When He was provoked, it was only because He was thoughtfully and lovingly aroused to take action against practices that were hurting the people He loved.

Paul's and Jesus' actions remind us that there is a time to be angry. This anger, however, needs to be expressed in love, and without sin (Eph. 4:26).

Real love doesn't keep score and thinks no evil. The Greek word translated thinks no evil is an accounting term that means to count up, to take account of as in a ledger or notebook. The evils referred to are the wrongs or hurts received at the hand of others. The love that thinks no evil is a love that wont keep records of unkindness, hold bitter grudges or allow longstanding resentments against others with the intent of someday getting even, even when the wrongs done against us are real. When we keep track of wrongs with the intent of making others pay, we ourselves pay more than we can afford.

Real love does not keep a record of wrongs. Thinking on the wrongs we suffer from others magnifies the offense until it becomes bigger than it actually is. We don't need to keep a record of wrongs to protect ourselves when we know that God is in control of the outcome and looking after our needs.

Real love doesn't rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. The word rejoices means to experience joy or pleasure. Real love does not find delight in anything God says is wrong. Neither does love take secret satisfaction in the moral failures of others. Real love does not hide evil by keeping secrets that need to be exposed. Real love does not pass along a juicy morsel of someone else's failure just because it tastes good to do so. Real love does not gossip to break the monotony, or to appear knowledgeable, or to feel better about itself by publishing the news of someone else's shame. Breaking the news of sin must be for the good of others rather than to promote a feeding frenzy around someone else's embarrassment and pain.

Real love can bear anything. The word bears comes from a Greek word that means roof. This is an awesome revelation. Real love covers and protects like a roof covers a house and protects it from storms. Real love bears the storms of disappointment, the rains of failure, and the winds of time and circumstance. It provides a covering that shields from the extremes of cold winters and hot summer sun. It provides a place of shelter that can withstand the worst circumstances imaginable.

Real love believes all things. One of the great indicators of whether or not we are walking in God's love is the level of faith we exhibit. Love begets faith. As this verse says, Love believes all things. Faith worketh by love. (Galatians. 5:6) When we experience the love God has for us, faith will come as a natural by-product of His love.

A young child in his father's arms trusts his father completely and doesn't have a care in the world. He doesn't struggle to believe for his meals, clothes or needs. His loving father will take care of it all. That's the similarity Jesus made to encourage us to trust God for our needs (Luke 11:11-13). A loving relationship with our Heavenly Father is the key to a life of faith.

If you have a problem trusting God in any area of your life that is an indicator that something is wrong. Like the warning light on the dash of your car. You don't try and disconnect the warning light you fix the problem that caused the light to come on, and then the light will automatically turn off. Likewise, a lack of faith is a warning light that indicates you aren't properly focused on the love of God. Once you return to the place of intimacy with the Lord, where you are fully aware of His great love for you, then faith will be so abundant that you can believe all things.

Real love never quits hoping. Hopelessness is a terrible thing. God's Word says, where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18). Lack of hope is behind most, if not all of the self-destruction we see in the lives of people today. They don't believe they have a future so they throw away today never thinking of the consequences while all the while they are headed for disaster.

Luck and fate does not generate hope. It's only in knowing that a personal, loving God is working all things for our good (Romans 8:28), that we can truly find hope. God has a perfect plan for your life. Regardless of where you are now, no matter how far off the track you may have strayed, God has a perfect course plotted for you from where you are now, to where you are supposed to be (Jeremiah 29:11). Believe that God loves you in spite of what you have, or have not done; and then hope will spring up in your heart.

Real love endures everything. Life is full of pressures that repeatedly drive us to and beyond our limits to cope. We've all at one time or another have gone off the deep end so to say in response to pressure. We excuse it way and justify actions because of our prideful nature. The truth is where our limit ends God's power begins. There is no need for us to feel we must totally rely on our own resources. God lives in every true believer and has placed His supernatural love in us so that we can endure all things.

Real love never fails. I Corinthians 13:8 God is love (l John 4:8) and God never fails. Individuals may fail to respond to His love and therefore bear the consequences, but love never fails. Love always prevails in the end we just need to give it time. The Lord doesn't force everyone and everything into obedience. The Lord is long-suffering and gives everyone an opportunity to repent (2 Peter 3:9-10).

There is another element to love we cannot forget about and that is forgiveness. Part of loving someone as Jesus loves is forgiving those who have wronged us or who have wronged Jesus with their sin. God has not set up His children as judges of the sins of others, for any one of us could fall at any time. It is only by the grace of God that we are where we are. Jesus gives an example of this in John 21, when he reinstates Peter after his denial. Jesus asked Peter do you love me more than these disciples? Peter answered that he did indeed love Jesus and our Lord said, then love, lead, and take care of my sheep. Jesus wants us to love Him and love and care for each other. His final words to Peter were follow me!! And that is His word to us today. Follow Him, obey His commands and care for each other.

Have you experienced real find love? Do you know where can to find real love? Let me share with you some good news you are already loved. I am sure you've heard this before, but I'll say again anyway. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. That's John 3:16.

Jesus said, "Do not worry, saying, what shall we eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what shall we wear? For all these things the Gentiles seek. Your heavenly Father knows you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you (Matthew 6:31-33). We will never be able to really love others until we believe we are loved in this way.

Have you taken that first step of finding love in Christ? Have you entrusted yourself to Him? Have you believed the Bible when it says Christ died for your sins?

The starting point is to acknowledge your sin and your need of Christ, who came to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). It is in Christ that we find the love of God, and it is in Him that we see what it means to live in the kind of love Paul described. He is the One who calls us not merely to a higher standard but to let Him live His life through us.

avisadores de radar legales

sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

Elegir el mejor Detector de Radar para Speeders

Obtener un vale de exceso de velocidad mientras se circula puede ser un problema para usted. Mediante el uso de detectores de radar puede evitar para obtener la aceleración boleto cuando se conduce en la carretera. Sin embargo, cuando se trata de la hora de elegir el detector de radar, puede encontrar dificultades para satisfacer el mejor elemento ya este detector está disponible en varias opciones en la actualidad. Por lo tanto, hay varias cosas que debe considerar al elegir este dispositivo a fin de obtener el mejor resultado en su proceso de selección.

Lo primero que necesita hacer es retirar las reglas acerca de cómo utilizar este detector en su estado de origen. Existen varios Estados que no te dan permiso para utilizar este dispositivo. Así, antes de comprarlo, tiene que asegurarse de que conoce bien las leyes de utilizar este dispositivo.

En segundo lugar, es necesario decidir acerca del tipo de detector de radar que va a utilizar. Básicamente, hay tres tipos de detector de radar que puede elegir. Fácilmente puede encontrar los tipos de cuerdas, inalámbricos y remotos en muchas tiendas de hoy. La mayoría de personas instala este dispositivo de montaje en el parabrisas.

En tercer lugar, también necesita establecer su presupuesto para adquirir cierto tipo de detector de radar. Este dispositivo está disponible en una amplia gama de precios para que tiene muchas posibilidades para encontrar el elemento que en su mayoría apropiada con su presupuesto. Se sugiere para que comprobar el precio de las diferentes tiendas y tratar de hacer la comparación entre otros hasta llegar en el mejor precio que está deseando para.

En cuarto lugar, puede hacer poca investigación antes de adquirir ciertos elementos. Yendo a ciertos sitios, encontrará muchas opiniones acerca del mejor detector de radar que lo guiará para satisfacer el dispositivo correcto que está buscando. Incluso también puede comprobar las especificaciones que se ofrecen por ciertas marcas. Por lo tanto, será más fácil determinar qué detector que será la mejor opción para usted.

Además, después de que decidió elegir un elemento, no olvide comprobar el estado del elemento que va a comprar. Tiene que asegurarse de que el dispositivo puede funcionar bien para que usted obtendrá el máximo beneficio de este detector. Además, también debe retirar la garantía del fabricante a fin de proteger su dispositivo de cualquier daño durante el primer año de uso.

Finalmente, después de ver la información anterior, ahora no tiene que preocuparse por elegir el detector de radar para su coche. Siguiendo la información anterior, ahora puede iniciar su proceso de compra pacíficamente. ¡Buena suerte!

avisadores de radar legales

La precisión de las armas de Radar de la policía contra nuevos detectores de Radar

La mayoría de nosotros no puede permitirse el lujo de fuertes multas por exceso de velocidad por encima de las cinco millas por hora límite de velocidad. Sin embargo algunos de nosotros seguirán víctima de las trampas de la policía. Lamentablemente las multas son parte de las ciudades y estado Gobierno presupuesto llenado gap, debido a la recesión. Para aquellos que tienen dificultades para conducir en el límite de velocidad registrado, ahora proteger a exceso de velocidad citas es más fácil utilizar la nueva tecnología de radar.

No se deje sería una buena razón para utilizar uno de muchas marcas automovilista uso en carreteras ocupado de hoy. Varios años atrás hasta ahora la marca superior radar continuar ayudar a los conductores a detectar donde se configuran las trampas de aplicación de la ley. Estos aparatos pueden ayudarle a obtener entradas de aceleración y desaceleración de su compañía de seguros de auto de elevación de la tasa de seguro. También no tener que ir a la escuela de tráfico.

Así la guerra electrónica sigue entre la aplicación de la ley y los controladores. Tecnología siguen cambiando constantemente para que detectores de radar tienen que instalarse en consecuencia. Cuál elegir es una gran interrogante. Una marca bien conocida es Cobra con mayor tecnología GPS, algunos con alerta de voz digital. Cobra es uno de los más avance y detectores de radar asequible en el mundo. Configuración que conservar la memoria es otra característica importante de un radar. Sin falsas alarmas sería muy útil.

Vehículos de emergencia están constantemente en la carretera haciendo su trabajo ayudando a la gente en su rescate de emergencia. El sistema de alerta de luz estroboscópica dar una advertencia cuando son cercanas a mantenerse a salvo. Después de todo que intenta mantenerse se convierta en víctima de la trampa de velocidad y permanecer tan seguro como sea posible en la carretera. Otro tema de importancia sería radares con protección de 360 grados. Algunos son completamente invisibles a VG-2 y si la policía usando detectores de detector de radar VG-2 le avisará. Cuando el programa cualquier radar a su configuración preferida y olvida y cambiar vehículos, no tiene que preocuparse porque recuerda electrónicamente todas las configuraciones.

Una cosa es saber es que estos aparatos son de diseño no para bloquear los analizadores, te dan una advertencia antes de que se les acercan.

avisadores de radar legales

viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

iPhone App de Detector de Radar

Una aplicación de detector de radar de teléfono funciona de forma diferente que un detector de radar tradicional. Realmente, el teléfono no detecta una señal como los detectores de anticuado. Hace algo aún mejor. La app de detector de radar iPhone recibe información de todos los demás controladores viajan las carreteras, autopistas y carreteras interestatales de América. Cualquiera que esté familiarizado con las redes sociales comprende un gran activo puede ser. La información puede acceder al instante si usted ya tiene un iPhone, fácilmente se puede utilizar para evitar el exceso de velocidad entradas descargando una iPhone simple radar detector app. Los días de detectores de radar tradicional trampa ha llegado y pasado. Afortunadamente tenemos una nueva tecnología para utilizar contra la mejorada tecnología utilizada por la policía.

Compartida entre millones de personas.

Así es cómo funciona. Instalar la aplicación de detector de iPhone. Como reducir el camino, tiene una configuración de cámara de velocidad de policía en el lado de la carretera. Utilice la aplicación para introducir la información. Carga en la red al instante y nadie con la app recibe la actualización cuando se aproximan a la zona. La app incluso puede transferir los datos a la unidad GPS para darle una representación visual de las áreas con problemas. Ahora vamos a ver desde el otro lado. Se circula a lo largo de la autopista interestatal en un cómodo 70 mph. Lamentablemente el límite de velocidad es 65 mph. Al acercarse a una cámara de carretera trampa de velocidad, recibirá una alerta y saber a frenar un poco. Otro conductor había pasado la cámara unas horas antes y entró en los datos. Probablemente esto había guarda un par cientos de dólares.

El detector de radar iPhone app es simplemente la evolución natural de la tecnología. La policía de obtener el mejor equipo y por lo tanto, el público también debe actualizar su tecnología. El detector de radar iPhone policía app es la mejor tecnología disponible hoy en día. Además de avisarle a velocidad trampas, cámaras, puntos de comprobación DUI y otras medidas de aplicación, la red también puede utilizarse para proporcionar actualizaciones sobre otros riesgos de carretera. Construcción, naufragios, meteorológicas y otros problemas pueden transmitirse al instante por la red, haciendo su viaje menos problemático.

Trampas de velocidad han sido siempre el flagelo de los conductores. Pero estos días tecnología y Estado y falta de presupuesto local ha aumentado el número de estas medidas. Los gobiernos necesitan dinero y uso de citas de exceso de velocidad para generarlo parece una buena idea. Si no está demasiado entusiasmados de contribuir para el desorden de los políticos, entonces considerar la aplicación de detector de radar de iPhone.

avisadores de radar legales

jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011

Conceptos básicos de Detector de radar

Casi todos los controladores de experimentan ese momento frío cuando te das cuenta ha impulsado por un tiempo en el límite de velocidad y usted cree que contado un coche de policía en el lado de la carretera muy por delante de usted. El temor de contraer caught aceleración es común a todos los controladores, incluso los que impulsan extremadamente lento han informado que temen ser visto a exceso de velocidad por la policía. No es extraño que la mayoría de las personas tiene Mieda de quedar atrapados, quede atrapado por lo general significa que tendrá que pagar el precio, a veces dinero y a veces es mucho, mucho peor.

En primer lugar debemos examinar la razón por exceso de velocidad, aunque se trata de un artículo sobre detectores de radar hay algún sentido mantener un límite de velocidad, tal vez eres joven en este momento, pero un día se tiene una familia, y no desea que sus hijos a jugar en el exterior y obtener éxito en un coche de exceso de velocidad, tal vez encanta carreras pero no entiendo aún que carreras requiere habilidad y lo que es más importante - una pista. Así que hay un sentido en mantener un límite a la velocidad de la unidad de personas.

Pero, como todas las cosas, algunas personas quieren su libertad, algunos incluso no se preocupan por quedar atrapada - sólo les encanta conducir rápido, otra reclamación que no aumentará la velocidad pero desea ser consciente de que es viéndolos. Para todas estas personas hay una solución muy clara y rápida y es el detector de radar.

Radar de detección de coche le ayudará a evitar entradas de exceso de velocidad y le permitirá saber si un radar está a la vista, no garantizan encuentra un radar que pretende tener una alta probabilidad de éxito en el controlador de un radar de informar es estrecha. Hay tres tipos básicos de radares que se utilizan para tratar de encontrar algo que avanza a toda velocidad, el tipo de x de radar, el k y el tercero - el detector de radar de banda Ka-, todos están trabajando en las frecuencias, que es lo importante sobre el radar de coche, cualquier producto que se desea mirar tendrá que analizar las frecuencias de la viga que está tratando de detectar, es por eso que muchos de los detectores de radar se cargan en el parabrisas o en el salpicadero del coche, para la máxima visibilidad.

Aunque la manera en que diferentes radares detectan el vehículo en marcha puede diferir considerablemente entre sí, formar si desea comprar algo que se puede utilizar durante un tiempo debe primero pensar acerca de dónde estás principalmente conducción e investigación qué tipo de radares se usan en esa esfera, no tiene ningún sentido en salir y comprar el producto más avanzado en el mercado si conduces alrededor sólo en un área que utiliza una pistola de radar envejecido antiguo lugar exceso de velocidad coches.

Para máxima protección debe pensar lo que necesita y por qué lo necesita, por ejemplo que no necesita cuando se conduce en la ciudad y sólo cuando conduces largas distancias, debe probar y averiguar qué tipo de radares se utiliza en su área, y una vez que sabe de estas cosas investigación los productos en internet. Justo antes de compra uno preguntarse a sí mismo, no es más fácil simplemente unidad por las reglas?.

avisadores de radar legales

Revisión de Detector de Radar de Whistler 1778 láser

Todo el mundo parece querer ahora un detector de radar. Y realmente no se puede culpar. Rumor lo que hay premios privados poco dados a los oficiales que tiran encima la mayoría de los autos en una semana, por lo tanto más y más personas están siendo arrastradas exceso de velocidad y se emitió billetes de exceso de velocidad. Tan sólo comprar un detector de radar láser parece ser sentido común - después de todo, todo el mundo necesita!

Una búsqueda básica en línea le dirá que hay toda una serie de detectores de radar. Puede ser muy difícil encontrar uno que es adecuado para usted. Esto es por qué tienes que buscar revisiones. Y si buscas uno con buenas características que no viene con un precio que tendrá que tomar una segunda hipoteca sobre su casa, se sabe que encuentras lo que buscas cuando llegas a una revisión de Detector de Radar de láser de Whistler 1778.

Cuando vaya a través de la revisión, se verá que tiene todas las características que necesita, y que hay un montón de lugares en línea donde puede obtener mucho en él. No necesita leer una revisión para ver que se ve muy bien, por supuesto, tiene un elegante diseño poco que se verá en su coche. Lo que distingue a la 1778 Whistler es que también tiene las características para ir con este aspecto elegante y limpio.

El Detector de Radar láser de Whistler 1778 puede recoger incluso las últimas velocidad armas, que operan en las bandas k y Ka, a través de una nueva función, el modo de POP. Otra característica es la "alerta permanecer" - Si estás en viajes largos, hará que seguro que usted permanecer alerta. Por supuesto, como con cualquier dispositivo como este, que aún puede esperar un par de falsas alarmas, pero la cobertura completa que ofrece hace para TI. Detectará todos VG-2, radar de seguridad, bandas de radar y láser.

El detector de VG-2 es especialmente útil, en caso de que están impulsando a través de una jurisdicción donde detectores de radar son ilegales. La revisión de Detector de Radar de láser de 1778 Whistler le dirá que no sólo es el 1778 Whistler inmune al VG-2, pero también detecta con precisión fiable.

avisadores de radar legales

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011

Utilizando un Detector de Radar en una motocicleta

Detectores de radar se utilizan en el coche mientras conducía por la carretera. Personas utilizan este dispositivo para controlar la velocidad del coche de forma a evitar un exceso de velocidad billete de los oficiales. En realidad, este detector no está diseñado para ser utilizado para una moto, pero hoy se convierte en un dispositivo popular para ser utilizado en su motocicleta. Si desea saber más acerca de cómo utilizar este detector en una motocicleta, se puede extraer la información siguiente.

Antes de utilizar este dispositivo, que necesita saber acerca de la ley de su estado acerca de cómo utilizar este detector. Hay muchos Estados que hacen uso de este dispositivo es ilegal. Si es así, debe elegir otro dispositivo que tiene la misma función que un detector de radar y no es ilegal.

Si buscas un detector de radar para su motocicleta, debe investigar un poco para encontrar el elemento derecho a instalarse en su motocicleta. Encontrará que muchos detectores pueden ser actualizados y programados según sus necesidades. Utilizando este equipo en su motocicleta le permitirá escuchar alertas. Incluso puede encontrar también que algunos de este dispositivo proporciona alertas dentro de su casco.

Al elegir el detector, es necesario tener en cuenta sus necesidades. Asegúrese de que realmente va a utilizar este dispositivo para que no se perderá su tiempo comprando este dispositivo. Además, en el proceso de compra, también debe mirar el precio, el rango de detección, detección de banda y su música. Sólo Tómese su tiempo para elegir el mejor elemento de su motocicleta.

avisadores de radar legales

martes, 23 de agosto de 2011

Detectores de radar - cómo montar en su parabrisas

Hay muchas formas diferentes para montar su detector de radar en su parabrisas, pero algunos lugares y orientaciones funcionan mejor que otros. La diferencia entre una unidad montada correctamente y un montaje incorrecto puede ser la diferencia en obtener alertó a tiempo para frenar.

Lo primero que desea mirar al montar su detector de radar es la ubicación en el parabrisas. Normalmente estos dispositivos proporcionará mejor rendimiento en el radar de la policía si se montan en la ventana superior. Por el contrario, detectores de radar proporcionará mejor rendimiento en láser de policía si se montan en la ventana inferior. Recomendamos montaje superior porque aunque obtener alertó a la policía de láser, el oficial de policía probablemente tienen ya su velocidad por lo que es una idea mejor ir para protección de radar mayor. Mayoría de las personas tiende a montar sus detectores a la izquierda del espejo retrovisor y como más arriba en la ventana como sea posible. Esto es un lugar ideal, porque es alto en la ventana, pero suficiente para que el controlador poder acceder a los controles de cerca. Un montaje en esta posición tiene la ventaja adicional de dificultando a policías y ladrones que su dispositivo en la ventana.

Ahora que sabe dónde ponerlo en su parabrisas, aquí son un par más consejos para ayudar a mejorar el rendimiento. Usted puede verse tentados a punto el detector de radar hacia el asiento del conductor para poder ver mejor la pantalla, pero esto dificultará la actuación como detectores de radar son mucho mejores en la detección de radar en una línea recta. Si monta el dispositivo en un ángulo probablemente perjudicará a rendimiento. También desea asegurarse de que la unidad se monta nivel con el suelo y no señalador en un ángulo hacia arriba o hacia abajo. Esto también ayudará a rendimiento ya más de las ondas de radar podrá entrar en el dispositivo si es nivel con el suelo.

Por último, siempre recomendamos duro cableado el dispositivo al sistema eléctrico de su coche. La mayoría de fabricantes vende un adaptador de cable duro que permite conectar el detector con un cable o fusionar en su coche. Querrá elegir un hilo o fusible que se activa cuando el coche es, y desactivar cuando el coche está apagado. Por lo general personas utilizan su cable de alimentación de radio o fusionan para alambre duro su detector de radar, puesto que proporcionan la funcionalidad necesaria para activar el dispositivo de encendido y apagado con el coche.

Si sigue estas reglas simples, debería poder exprimir cada onza de rendimiento de su detector. Esto lo ayudará a recibir alertas más rápidamente y darle más tiempo para frenar antes de llegar al policía.

avisadores de radar legales

Revisión de Detector de Radar reformado

Detectores de radar reformado pueden ser una gran alternativa con el alto precio que pagaría normalmente por un detector de radar. Un detector de radar buena fácilmente puede costar más de doscientos dólares; los decentes van en cualquier lugar desde $160 a $450. Si estos precios son un poco más que desea pasar el lado reformado de cosas es un buen lugar para mirar. Las unidades todavía generalmente vienen con una garantía y son sólo como nuevas. Incluso mejor, porque esas nuevas unidades pueden tener el mismo problema en la línea de su detector reformado tuvo sin embargo su detector reformado ya se ha solucionado. Solía trabajar para una empresa que podría renovar equipos de tecnología y nuestra tasa de retorno de equipo funcione mal fue realmente inferior de los fabricantes. Los fabricantes volver tasa varía entre uno y tres por ciento, nuestro fue en realidad menos de 0,04 por ciento.

Si usted nunca ha dudado de la industria reformada no; el equipo puede trabajar realmente ya ahora que los defectos internos ya han manifestado y ha fijado. Para esos precios individuos conscientes que hay cierta apariencia de calidad deben ir con un detector de radar de Whistler reformado. El Whistler XTR 550 es un medio sólido de la unidad de camino que encontrará a muy bajo costo. Si está buscando algunos advertencia y desea pasar absolutamente lo menos posible Échele un vistazo a los 105 de Whistler XTR. Esto es una gran opción para el individuo en un presupuesto, que estos días es un número creciente de personas.

avisadores de radar legales

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

Detector de Radar cobra - comentarios

Al buscar en Google revisiones en detectores de radar Cobra encontrará muchas críticas por y contra esta marca. Deberás realmente ordenar a través de estos con la mentalidad de por qué los consumidores escriben comentarios. La existencia de críticas negativas realmente no significa nada ya que casi todos los productos tendrán una mezcla de ambos. Un consumidor es mucho más probable que escriba un comentario de una mala experiencia que una buena. Cuando la mayoría de los individuos compra un producto lo hacen bajo la suposición de que el producto se realizará a un determinado nivel, obviamente si esta noción no existe nadie debería adquirir el producto. Así que cuando realiza como dice que no pensar dos veces, sin embargo cuando se desvía sus expectativas puede causar enojo y frustración lleva a revisiones más frecuentes entre ese grupo.

Leyó a través de los exámenes de detector de radar Cobra y fue capaz de determinar rápidamente que sus productos finales superiores tenía muy pocos comentarios negativos, sugiriendo un muy buen producto. La principal queja fue que Cobra había comercializado algunos de sus productos como indetectable a los detectores de detector de radar. Cobra se sabe que son muy ruidosos que incluso otros detectores de radar recogen tan obviamente que RDD no tendría problemas recogiendo la unidad. Cuando llegas a la letra pequeña de esta campaña encontrará sólo tienen la capacidad de detectar de RDD, no llevan el desempeño de esta función invisible. Desde RDD ha sido reestructurados ha quedado completamente susceptibles de detección, así que no cuentan con estas unidades a ser indetectable. Además de ese defecto menor la parte alta de la línea como el XRS-9960G realizar muy bien incluso contra detectores de escolta y Beltronics que son más de 200 dólares. Detectores de radar Cobra encontrará una mayor frecuencia de malas críticas entre el extremo inferior, pero se espera que las unidades obviamente no están completamente cargado o tan sensible. Las unidades de final inferiores sirven para muchos conductores que no ven la necesidad de colocar 200 dólares en un detector de radar.

avisadores de radar legales

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011

Comprar un Detector de Radar para tu vehículo

No fue hace mucho tiempo que la tarea de comprar un detector de radar fue realmente una tarea. Las opciones en los primeros días fueron muy limitadas y a menudo eran demasiado caros para la persona promedio comprar. Hoy las cosas son diferentes. Nadie más puede permitirse comprar un detector y los dispositivos disponibles hoy hacen mucho más que sus primos anteriores. En cualquier caso, desea saber tanto como es posible como una manera de hacer una compra inteligente si usted está considerando la opción.

La verdad es que mientras que muchos conductores tienen detectores, mucho más que probablemente poseen si entienden más sobre ellos. En términos generales, un detector de radar es un dispositivo utilizado por los conductores para evitar capturados a exceso de velocidad por aplicación de la ley. Si un controlador está alertó a la presencia de la policía por su radar de detección pueden ralentizar y esquivar una cita caro. Normalmente evitar un único billete puede pagar por el detector.

Policía mediante radar para detectar el exceso de velocidad controladores durante décadas. Apuntan su dispositivo en un coche que viajaba en la carretera y literalmente disparan una onda de radar en ella. Propiedades de esta ola cuando rebota en el destino y llega en el dispositivo de envío es cómo puede determinar la velocidad de la meta. Se trata de tecnología que lleva mucho tiempo y ha sido la generación entradas durante muchos años.

Como la policía se dio cuenta de que los conductores estaban utilizando dispositivos para detectar su radar, hicieron cambios a su sistema en un esfuerzo para evitar la detección. Por supuesto nuevos detectores salieron que combatir la última tecnología de policía. Esto ha sido una batalla que ha ido hacia adelante y hacia atrás. Como policía desarrolla nuevos dispositivos, controladores actualizan sus dispositivos para luchar contra a la policía.

Asegúrese de que consultar sus leyes locales o estatales antes de comprar un detector de radar. Diferentes Estados tienen leyes diferentes y que las leyes varían de un país a otro. En algunos casos puede ser multado al usuario de un detector, y en algunos casos la policía incluso puede confiscar el dispositivo.

Al considerar las opciones de compra, debe asegurarse de que comprar uno que potencialmente puede detectar los dispositivos más recientes siendo utilizados por la aplicación de la ley. Los más recientes detectará los sistemas láser que utilizan algunos policías, aunque la mayoría siguen utilizando sistemas de radar debido a problemas de precios. Pueden detectar muchos detectores de radar y láser.

Comprar un detector de radar ahora es algo que más que nadie puede hacer ya que los precios están a su alcance para la mayoría, y ciertamente pueden ahorrar mucho el usuario dinero en evitadas entradas. Asegúrese de que comprende exactamente lo que el dispositivo puede detectar, donde es puede montarse y estar bien informados sobre cualquier garantía en lugar demasiado.

avisadores de radar legales

sábado, 20 de agosto de 2011

Consejos para probar un Detector de Radar

Si desea hacer una prueba en el detector de radar, hay realmente algunas acciones que tienes que hacer. El detector de radar adecuada le dará alerta cuando encuentre problemas mientras conducía por la carretera. Por lo tanto, debe asegurarse de que su detector puede trabajar bien antes de salir. La siguiente información le dará algunos consejos para probar un detector de radar.

Lo primero que se puede hacer cuando va a hacer la prueba está pidiendo el departamento local de bomberos para ayudarle a realizar pruebas. Esto hará más fácil si su detector puede funcionar correctamente o no. Sin embargo, esto sólo puede aplicarse en el Estado donde este dispositivo es legal.

En segundo lugar, dado que este detector comúnmente está equipado con estos botones que le proporciona la facilidad en el proceso de prueba. Cuando desea probar su detector, basta con pulsar el botón de prueba y seguir el manual del usuario para averiguar si puede comprobar este dispositivo electrónicamente.

En tercer lugar, si desea comprobar la alarma, basta con pulsar el botón de alarma y esperar hasta que la alarma produce sonido. Si puede producir sonido o una serie de pitidos, estará seguro de que la alarma está en buenas condiciones.

Por último, es necesario extraer el cable de alimentación y las baterías en el detector. Realmente se sugiere para que usted reemplazar las baterías para al menos dos veces al año en forma para asegurarse de que su detector puede funcionar correctamente. Además, también tiene para asegurarse de que el cable de alimentación está funcionando correctamente.

avisadores de radar legales

viernes, 19 de agosto de 2011

Detector de radar Apps

Una aplicación de detector de radar es la nueva versión del detector de radar clásico que fue efectiva durante tantos años. Trampas de velocidad son más comunes que nunca antes. Gobiernos estatales y locales se enfrentan a una falta de presupuesto récord. Una forma de compensar los ingresos tributarios perdidos es a través de multas impuestas a speeders. Si eres mala suerte haber recibido un billete para acelerar últimamente, saben que no se trata de ningún asunto barato. A pocos kilómetros sobre el límite de velocidad pueden costar hasta $200 en algunas áreas.

Lamentablemente, como la popularidad de trampas de velocidad ha aumentado con los años, también ha mejorado la tecnología utilizada. Hace unos años todo necesario para evitar un billete era un detector de radar de la Conferencia de las partes. Si se tratara de una simple cuestión de la obtención de radar de policía más avanzada, no ser un problema ya que los detectores de radar también tendría mejores. Lo que ha sucedido es que la policía ahora está utilizando cámaras para capturar speeders. Estas cámaras emiten ninguna firma para que un detector de radar no le ayudará. Lo que necesita es otra manera para ser prevenido. Afortunadamente hay millones de conductores en la carretera cotidiana que ver este cámaras y trampas de velocidad. Imagínese si todos estos controladores podrían de alguna manera alertar mutuamente a los diversos peligros encontrados las carreteras. Ahora, a través de las comunicaciones modernas y redes sociales, que pueden.

Estas aplicaciones de detector para smartphones y unidades GPS son el siguiente nivel en evitar la trampa de velocidad. Detectores están disponibles para móviles que ejecutan sistemas operativos de blackberry, Android o iPhone. El funcionamiento del sistema es que los conductores subir la ubicación de trampas de velocidad y cámaras como ve. Pueden transferir estos datos a su dispositivo para avisarle cuando se acerque a un área del problema. El detector en tu iPhone actualiza constantemente la información y recibir instantánea, hasta las actualizaciones minutos. El detector app Android y la aplicación de detector de radar Blackberry también permiten este intercambio instantáneo de información. La información puede incluso transmitirse desde su teléfono a un detector de Bluetooth para que pueda ver donde están las trampas y cámaras.

Estos días que vivimos en un mundo que es cada vez más por las autoridades. ¿Incluso si no va a acelerar o romper la ley de cualquier manera, no todavía desea saber dónde y cuándo big brother is watching you? Conseguir una de estas aplicaciones de detector de radar para el teléfono y se puede hacer eso.

avisadores de radar legales

Lo que todo el mundo debe saber sobre detectores de Radar de coche

¿Detectores de radar de coche? ¿Qué es eso de, se preguntarán. Si usted ha estado en un coche con un pequeño dispositivo que tiene parpadear luces alrededor, probablemente, eso es todo. Es un gadget generalmente colocado en el tablero de mandos de seguridad en la carretera.

Si está conduciendo, no desea ser sorprendido con zoom de ambulancias, camiones y coches de policía. Detectores de radar de coche son capaces de radares de tráfico de sentido desde el entorno en que está. Dependiendo del modo de detector de radar, utiliza luces parpadeantes y escuchará sonidos como señales para que se sepa cuando hay que frenar y dar paso a los vehículos.

¿Por qué necesita detectores de radar de coche? Necesita porque no desea obtener en un accidente. Si usted tiende a acelerar, especialmente en carreteras, sin darse realmente cuenta, esto es mejor para usted.

Una de las marcas buenas por ahí es Cobra XRS metálico 12 banda Detector de Radar/láser de alto rendimiento con la presentación de datos Ultra Bright. Su rendimiento es demostrado para ser eficaz. Es una buena característica que no otros detectores de radar, es la alerta de luz estroboscópica, permite tener una advertencia anticipada si se acerca un vehículo de emergencia. Detecta cualquier vehículo con control de semáforo. Mientras otra característica, es alerta de seguridad, a través de transmisores exclusivos de Cobra, le avisa sobre cruces de ferrocarril y lugares de peligro de la carretera. Además, su función de IntelliMute pone la alerta en modo silencioso al eliminar la señal de la falsa alarma.

Hay realmente mucho más coches Cobra detectores de radar en el mercado, desprotección que es el mejor que más le convenga.

avisadores de radar legales