viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012

Should I buy an iPad for work?

The iPad is undoubtedly a powerful computing device, but does not add any value for any work environment.

We have the iPad a fundamental part of our workflow since the launch, travel with the carry on business, on 3 continents in person presentations, taking notes of the meeting and we have even made presentations. The verdict-it is a powerful business tool depending on your unique role and work style.

This article will help you evaluate the usefulness of an iPad for you. Read each of the following ten decision factors and evaluate whether the iPad is right for you or not.


1. it's a hassle to print for each client/prospect of meeting the same material.

» Many sales people waste valuable time printing fresh material for each client visit. The iPad, you can move from paper and parts of documents on "virtual" pages on the iPad.

2. I have customers/prospects who prefer electronic/PDF documents instead of paper copies.

» Your customers may be to throw away all your printed materials like after each meeting or where they can search your materials electronically file them. Additionally, you can email the iPad you documents immediately in the meeting.

3. I am often absent and don't have a laptop.

» Are you at your desk all day, has a more limited number of scenarios that will be useful iPad. Individuals with regular in-person meetings will benefit most from the presentation, email and reference features in the iPad. If you have a laptop and write e-mails and documents on-the-go, nothing beats the power of a laptop with a keyboard and fully featured operating system.

4. it is realistic for me to move to a less paper-centered work system (meeting notes, customer files, etc.).

» A iPad will cause you to move from paper for many aspects of your work (such as calendars, notes, and tasks lists). Are you ready to give a paper file folder for each client/project, will the iPad powerful for you.

5. my customers are advanced or impressed with technology (wouldn't mock "a shiny new gadget").

» The iPad will be a sophisticated, high-tech image that will be embraced by some and seen by others as a distraction from the project. The technology should enable your work, not distract from it.

6. my work email mobile friendly technology (such as Microsoft Exchange or Google Apps), is used and can mobile or web connections.

» Have easy access to e-mail, calendars and contacts is one of the best features of the iPad, but this work requires that your systems are compatible. Please contact your IT manager to find out if your company supports synchronization with the iPad.

7. I am already using an electronic diary (or the desire to move from a paper-based system).

» The calendar in the iPad works well and allows you to accept and send meeting requests to others. If you are not ready to give a paper calendar, you will miss out on a significant advantage.

8. I international travel and need reliable access to the internet while traveling.

» Internet access during the trip can inconsistent and expensive. The GSM/AT & t model of the iPad will allow you to buy pre-paid internet access for about the same price as an airport internet connection and remain online regardless of which country you are visiting. It can also save you from costly hotel internet fees.

9. I am not compelled to company-specific software applications that can only be run on my computer at work.

» The iPad runs only applications written and published to the Apple App Store and websites that do not depend on Adobe Flash technology. If your company is a specific application that must be installed on a computer, it will probably not compatible with the iPad. Please contact your IT manager to find out if there are specific applications that are not accessible on the iPad.

10. spending $ 25 per month + the upfront cost of the iPad ($ 629 + USD) would be a problem for my budget.

» If you are a United States-based iPad user, we recommend that you purchase a WiFi + 3 G iPad. The 3 G (cellular data)-service costs between $ 15 and $ 25 per month. No long term contracts are required.

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