viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

Buy iPad - But Where?

With the hype surrounding Apple's iPad, people are looking for ways to preorder it as early as now. But the hot item remains elusive. You wouldn't find any store offering it for the next three months. Apple's online store has section where interested parties can leave their email addresses and be notified later for the official release of the tablet.

Amazon's German site had the item for a little while but it was immediately pulled down. At present there's no legit company that offers preorders on the iPad. If you stumble upon any "Buy iPad Today" sort of schemes, chances are it's a scam. Although ordinary people are clueless as to what's going on, industry insiders have their sight set on the cause of the iPad preorder delay.

The reason why the iPad is not yet available for preorders is its lack of a Federal Communications Commission certification. Apple has been in this road before when they were about to release their iPhone, which received FCC's approval a month after Apple unveiled it to the public. The FCC is the authority when it comes to electronic devices. The agency sees to it that a device doesn't interfere with other wireless devices. It must also ensure that the device operates within the area of spectrum that's allocated for it and it doesn't emit excessive radiation that's harmful to the users.

Apple announced that some features and apps of the iPad might not be available in some areas but availability can change once they are approved. A prime example of this is the iBooks app, which is only available in the US. This can only mean that iPad sold in a region will have different features compared to a iPad sold in another region.

Without the FCC seal of approval, Apple's iPad can be offered for sale or lease. This is the reason why there are no preorders offered yet for the device. Maybe the iPad will suffer the same fate and will receive FCC's approval just in time for its official release and you end up buying the iPad at a store. Right now the best thing that you can do is to sign-up in Apple's mailing list and hopefully be the first to find out when they'll be accepting preorders for the iPad.

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